Picking the Perfect Bumper Size for Your Kitchen Cabinets: A Handy Guide

11 Sep  

Anyone who’s ever winced at the sound of a cabinet door slamming shut knows the value of a good self-adhesive polyurethane bumper. With so many sizes available, how do you pick the right one for your kitchen? Let’s break it down to make the decision a breeze.

Kitchen Cabinets

Measure Twice, Stick Once

The golden rule of any DIY project applies here too! Before you hit that ‘add to cart’ button, grab a measuring tape and check the gap between your cabinet doors/drawers and the frame when they’re closed. This is your starting point for determining bumper thickness.

Hush, Little Cabinet

If a peaceful kitchen is your goal, prioritize noise reduction. Opt for our soft durometer adhesive cabinet bumpers to create a soft landing and absorb those jarring sounds. These sound dampening bumpers provide quiet close for any cabinet door, drawer, or enclosure.

Size Matters

Your cabinet size plays a role too. Larger, heavier doors and drawers need more support to prevent slamming, so go for bumpers with a bigger diameter, maybe 3/4 inch (19 mm) or even 1 inch (25.4 mm). For those dainty cabinets, smaller bumpers will do the trick.

Inconspicuous is Key

Let’s be honest, nobody wants their bumpers stealing the show. If a discreet look is what you’re after, choose smaller, clear bumpers that blend seamlessly with your cabinets.

General Guidelines

  • Standard-sized cabinets: 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) diameter bumpers with a thickness of 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) to 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) are usually a safe bet.
    Recommendations: BS01SD, BS02SD or BS58SD
  • Smaller cabinets: Try a 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) or 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) diameter bumpers.
    Recommendations: BS10SD, BS12SD or BS27SD
  • Larger cabinets: Consider a 3/4 inch (19 mm) or 1 inch (25.4 mm) diameter bumpers, especially if noise is a concern.
    Recommendations: BS45SD

Test, Test, Test

Still unsure? Start small! Purchase a sample pack of a specific cabinet bumper or a variety pack with different sizes and experiment to find the perfect fit. You can always add more or switch to thicker bumpers later if needed. We recommend placing two bumpers on the corners of cabinet doors and four bumpers on the corners of drawers to maximize protection.
Remember, choosing the right bumper size is about finding the sweet spot between functionality and aesthetics. With a little planning, you can enjoy a quieter, more protected kitchen in no time!

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